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Align Body With Mind

Align Body With Mind

align body with mind

When the fluctuations of the mind cease, the mind fallouts into stillness. But the cessation of these ripples in mind is hard to be achieved. Even scientific evidence shows it’s difficult to relax our minds for more than sheer six seconds.

When the oscillations of the mind come to an end, the mind enters a state of tranquility. However, attaining the cessation of these mental ripples is challenging. Yoga affirms the potential to achieve mental tranquility via the practice of meditation. Meditation enables one to gain self-awareness. By acquiring this awareness, one can attain a condition of perpetual mindfulness within oneself.Yoga posits that attaining a state of equanimity in the mind can be accomplished through meditation. However, teaching meditation proves to be challenging due to its very subjective nature. However, when the appropriate techniques of concentration are coupled, they might lead to the practice of meditation. Progressing through many phases of meditation can result in a highly successful meditation experience.


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